11.08.290 Immobilization of Vehicle.
A. Upon the order of the City Treasurer directing immobilization of a vehicle, an officer or employee of the City may temporarily immobilize such vehicle by installing on, or attaching to, such vehicle a device designed to restrict the normal movement of such vehicle. At the time the vehicle is immobilized, the City shall cause to be affixed to said vehicle a readily visible notice. Said notice shall include the following information:
1. The date and the time the notice was affixed;
2. The identity of the agent or employee of the City who immobilized the vehicle;
3. A statement that the vehicle has been immobilized by the City for three or more violations of the City’s parking ordinance;
4. A statement that the vehicle may be released from such immobilization at a designated place, by payment of the designated total of unpaid parking violation penalties, fifty dollars immobilization fee, and reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by the City in any hearing procedure utilized in obtaining a finding that the vehicle is a nuisance;
5. A statement that unless arrangements are made for the release of said vehicle within twenty-four hours the vehicle will be towed;
6. A warning that removing or attempting to remove the device before a release is obtained is unlawful; and
7. The address and telephone number and office hours where additional information may be obtained.
B. Copies of this notification shall be mailed to the registered owner and legal owner of the vehicle at the address shown on the records of the Department of Licensing.
C. The parking restrictions otherwise applicable shall not apply to any vehicle immobilized pursuant to this section.