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The Mayor, or designee, shall be authorized to schedule the use of sports fields at City parks and the main structure at Hill Park. The following process shall be used:

A. Scheduling sports fields. By March 31st of each year, the Snohomish Parks and Recreation Board will review and approve a yearly field schedule for organized youth sports teams. The Parks and Recreation Board will adopt rules, forms, and deadlines for the determination of field scheduling. The Mayor, or designee, shall be responsible to ensure that sufficient time is available for general or non-scheduled public use of sports fields consistent with state and federal grants.

B. Scheduling the main Hill Park structure. Starting January 1st of each year, community nonprofit organizations, using the Special Event Permit process defined in Chapter 5.10 SMC, can schedule the use of the main Hill Park structure for community events open to the general public.

Starting February 1st of each year, private citizens, groups, or organizations can schedule the use of the main Hill Park structure for private functions. Groups, organizations, or private citizens, other than community nonprofit organizations who schedule use that is open to the general public, shall be limited to two reservations per year.

C. The Mayor, or designee, consulting with the Snohomish Parks and Recreation Board, shall have the authority to develop rules to administer scheduling or reserving City facilities.

D. All other park spaces and facilities shall be provided to the general public on a first-come, first-served basis under the provisions provided by the Snohomish Municipal Code.

E. Any fees associated with park or park shelter usage shall be set by resolution of the City Council. (Ord. 1989, 2001; Ord. 2018, 2002; Ord. 2132, 2007; Ord. 2299, 2016; Ord. 2341, 2017)