14.175.040 Detached Dwelling Dimensional Requirements.
A. Structural Limitations.
1. Structures shall be limited to 2,000 square feet of living area. Porches, garages, and basements are not included in the calculation of living area.
2. Structures shall not exceed two stories and 30 feet in height.
B. Setbacks. Minimum setbacks from perimeter property lines and from internal boundaries of exclusive use shall be as follows:
1. Front. Ten feet, except that garages with doors facing the front shall be set back twenty feet.
2. Side. Five feet, except that no side setback shall be required for detached garages located in the rear half of the lot or area of exclusive use.
3. Rear. Fifteen feet for the dwelling. Garages with doors facing the rear shall be set back 20 feet. No rear setback shall be required for detached garages with doors facing the front or side.
4. Arterial Street. An additional five feet of setback shall be required where the building site abuts an arterial street.
C. Open Space. A minimum of 400 square feet of private open space shall be provided for each dwelling. (Ord. 2456, 2022)