14.212.310 Subdivision, Lots, and Blocks.
A. Subdivisions. Subdivisions and lot line adjustments shall be processed according to the provisions of Chapter 14.215 SMC.
1. Except buildings constructed as common wall dwellings intended for separate ownership, buildings shall not cross legal lot lines.
2. Subdivision of common wall or zero-lot line development such as townhouses shall provide a five-foot wide building maintenance easement for walls, eaves, chimneys, and other architectural features that rest directly on the lot line. The maintenance easement shall be shown on the face of the plat or short plat or recorded in a separate document as approved by the City Planner.
3. No subdivision or lot line adjustment shall be approved unless all resulting lots have a minimum 20-foot frontage on a public street. Non-building tracts, such as open space and utility tracts, do not require frontage on a public street.
4. No subdivision or lot line adjustment shall be approved unless all resulting lots have a minimum size of 2,200 square feet, except that the Single Family zone shall have a minimum lot size of 3,500 square feet. Non-building tracts, such as open space and utility tracts, shall not require a minimum lot size.
5. Newly platted lots shall have a minimum dimension of 20 feet, as measured by a circle located entirely within the lot lines. Non-building tracts, such as open space and utility tracts, do not require a minimum dimension.
B. Blocks. No public right-of-way shall be vacated that would result in a block length greater than 500 feet, except where a public pedestrian access easement of a minimum 20-foot width is provided that would create a maximum pedestrian block length of 500 feet along any public street. Mid-block, public pedestrian access across blocks is encouraged as part of property development proposals.