14.212.830 Site Design – General.
Intent: To encourage site design that creates an attractive and harmonious view from the public frontage.
A. Pedestrian walkways from the public sidewalk to the primary door shall be clear, direct, and in all cases, separate from vehicle access.
B. As applicable, the location and design of pedestrian and bicycle facilities, utility and mechanical equipment, and service areas for loading, outdoor storage, and solid waste shall be considered in overall site design and clearly addressed in the application.
C. Storage of materials, except displays of merchandise catering to a pedestrian clientele, shall be within enclosed buildings.
D. Proposed methods to minimize the appearance of at-grade parking areas from the street and adjacent properties shall be clearly addressed in the application.
E. Garden and screening walls, where used, shall exhibit detailing and artistry that may include top railings, caps, finials, etc.
F. Unless no alternative is available, above-ground utility meters shall not be located on a street-facing building façade. Where no reasonable alternative exists, meters adjacent to or on a building façade and visible from a street or adjacent property shall be adequately screened with an architectural wall incorporated into the building design. Above-ground utility facilities, e.g., electrical cabinets, located between the sidewalk and a building shall be screened with landscaping.
G. Outdoor trash and recycling areas shall be located at the rear of the site, when possible, away from pedestrian areas and screened on all sides. Screening enclosures shall match the materials and design elements of the primary structure.