14.215.130 Boundary Line Adjustments.
A. This section sets forth procedures and criteria for the review and approval of minor adjustments to boundary lines of existing legal lots in order to rectify defects in legal descriptions, to allow the enlargement or merging of lots to improve or qualify as a building site, to achieve increased setbacks from property lines or sensitive areas, to correct situations wherein an established use is located across a lot line, or for other similar purposes.
B. Applications for boundary line adjustments shall be reviewed for consistency with the City of Snohomish Land Use Development Code, including shoreline management regulations, and critical area regulations, applicable Snohomish Health District regulations and the City’s fire and building code regulations.
C. The City shall not approve any proposed boundary line adjustment that would:
1. Result in the creation of an additional lot;
2. Cause any lot to contain insufficient area, dimensions, or building setbacks per this Development Code or increase an existing nonconformity;
3. Result in a lot that does not qualify as a building site pursuant to this title;
4. Be inconsistent with any restrictions or conditions of approval for a recorded plat or short plat, including requirements for open space; or
5. Involve lots which do not have a common boundary.
D. An application for a boundary line adjustment shall expire one (1) year after a complete application has been filed with the City. An extension up to an additional year may be granted by the Planning Director upon a showing by the applicant of reasonable cause. (Ord. 2082, 2005; Ord. 2353, 2018)