14.250.200 Regulations Specific to Transportation and Parking.
A. Non-water-dependent transportation uses, including accessory parking, that cannot be located outside of the shoreland area shall be located as far landward as possible. Parking facilities in shorelines are not a preferred use and shall be allowed only as necessary to support an authorized use.
B. Major roads and railroads shall cross shoreland areas by the shortest, most direct route feasible, unless such route would cause significant adverse environmental impacts.
C. Highway, street and railroad infrastructure that must be located in or over water, such as bridges and bridge supports, may be permitted; provided, that the substantive critical areas requirements of this chapter (SMC 14.250.330) are satisfied, and the priorities of the City of Snohomish Shoreline Restoration Plan are addressed in designing mitigation for project impacts.
D. Applications for installation of transportation facilities shall include the following (at a minimum):
1. Purpose and need for the project;
2. Demonstration that the facility is not feasible in a location outside the shoreline area;
3. Location of other transportation facilities in the project vicinity;
4. Proposed method(s) of construction;
5. Plans for restoration of areas disturbed during construction;
6. Mitigation plan for impacts to ecological functions of the shoreline; and
7. Landscape plan.
E. Bridge abutments of earthen fill shall not be located within an area of special flood hazard as delineated on Flood Insurance Rate Maps issued by FEMA.
F. Transportation uses and facilities shall be designed to avoid or minimize placement of fill or structures that would restrict floodplain capacity or limit channel migration. Where transportation uses or facilities are proposed within floodplains, floodways, or channel migration zones, the proposal shall conform to the substantive critical areas requirements of this chapter (SMC 14.250.330) and Chapter 14.270 SMC.
G. New roads and off-street parking facilities shall be located where new shoreline stabilization is not required.
H. New off-street parking shall be located outside of required shoreline and critical area buffers.
I. Parking facilities over water shall not be permitted.
J. Exterior lighting for parking areas shall be designed to avoid or minimize light spill into regulated critical areas and their buffers. (Ord. 2336, 2018)