14.290.120 Time of Performance for Mitigation of Impact.
A. Payment of any required school impact fees or in-kind contribution shall be made prior to the issuance of a building permit unless the project proponent elects to defer payment utilizing the process outlined in SMC 14.290.125. The fee shall be calculated based on the impact fee schedule in effect at the time the building permit is issued unless otherwise required pursuant to SMC 14.290.125.
B. A project proponent may elect to pay before the final plat is approved for the lots within a subdivision or residential development. The impact fees shall be calculated based on the impact fee schedule in effect at the time of the election to pay. Such election to pay shall be noted on the face of the final plat or by a covenant placed on the deed for each affected lot within the subdivision or residential development. When a subdivision or residential development is conditioned upon the performance of a comparable in-kind mitigation, a final plat shall not be recorded, and no building permit for any individual lot shall be issued, until the School District indicates in writing to the City that such in-kind mitigation has been satisfactorily completed. (Ord. 2313, 2016; Ord. 2413, 2021)