14.290.140 Unacceptable Impact Levels.
A. The City shall review residential development proposals pursuant to all applicable state and local laws and regulations, including the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21C RCW), the State Subdivision Law (Chapter 58.17 RCW), and the applicable sections of the Snohomish Municipal Code. Following such review, the City may condition or deny development approval as necessary or appropriate to mitigate or avoid significant adverse impacts to school facilities, to assure that appropriate provisions are made for schools, school grounds, and safe student walking conditions, and to ensure that development is compatible and consistent with each district’s services, facilities, and capital facilities plan.
B. Impact fees required by this chapter for development, together with compliance with development regulations and other mitigation measures offered or imposed at the time of development review, shall constitute adequate mitigation for all of a development’s specific adverse environmental impacts on the school system for the purposes of Chapter 14.90 SMC. Nothing in this chapter prevents a determination of significance from being issued, the application of new or different development regulations, and/or requirements for additional environmental analysis, protection and mitigation measures to the extent required by applicable law.