19.04.070 Amendments to the International Fire Code.
The following amendments to the International Fire Code are adopted:
Section [A] 102.6 Historic Buildings is amended to read as follows:
Section [A] 102.6 Historic Buildings.
The construction, alteration, repair, enlargement, restoration, relocated, or moved buildings or structures that are designated as historic buildings by the State of Washington or local ordinance, when such buildings or structures do not constitute a distinct hazard to life or property shall be in conformance with the provisions of the applicable governing code. Where substantially damaged or substantially improved, the requirements of SMC 19.04.130 may be used.
Section [A] 105.1.1 Permits Required is amended by adding the following paragraph:
The City may institute an annual certificate of occupancy. Upon implementation occupancy permits shall be renewed annually and subject to an annual inspection. Fees shall be established by City Council resolution.
Section [A] 105.7.19 Private Fire Hydrants is amended to read:
Section [A] 105.7.19 Private Fire Hydrants.
All new fire hydrants and water mains are required to be constructed within City easements or rights-of-way. Private fire hydrants are generally discouraged. Where a private fire hydrant will be connected to a City water main, a construction permit must be obtained and a City water meter installed in accordance with SMC Chapter 15.04. The size of the water meter shall be no less than a 6-inch water meter. The costs of the City water meter and monthly utility rate shall be established by City Council resolution or ordinance. An approved backflow prevention assembly is required for all private fire hydrants. All private fire hydrants shall be accessible to the Fire District or Water Purveyor at all times and are solely for the use of fire protection activities.
Retroactive Application: When discovered, existing private fire hydrants may be required to comply with this section at the discretion of the City Engineer.
Section [A] 107.2 Inspections is amended by adding the following paragraph:
Pursuant to Section 105.1.1, an annual operating permit and inspection may be conducted for operations as set forth in Section 105.6. Upon implementation of the annual Certificate of Occupancy/Annual Operating Permit program, fees collected may be used to offset the costs of staffing, resources, and enforcement.
Section [A] 109.1 Board of Appeals is amended to read as follows:
Section 109.1 Appeals to the Hearing Examiner.
Appeals of Orders, Decisions or Determinations shall be made to the City Land Use Hearing Examiner pursuant to SMC 19.04.120(J).
Section [A] 112.4 Failure to Comply relative to stop work orders is amended to read:
Section [A] 112.4 Failure to Comply.
Any person who shall continue any work after having been served with a Stop Work Order, or other means of notification to Stop Work, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be subject to SMC 19.04.190 Violation – Penalty – Effective.
Section 308.1.4 Open Flame Cooking Devices is adopted and amended to read as follows:
Section 308.1.4 Open-Flame Cooking Devices.
Charcoal burners and other open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or decks or within ten feet of combustible construction. This includes liquefied petroleum gas fired cooking devices having LP gas containers with a water capacity greater than 2.5 pounds (nominal 1 pound LP gas capacity).
1. Detached one- or two- family dwellings, provided that the cooking equipment and ignition sources are maintained and controlled in a safe manner and does not create a fire and life safety hazard.
2. Where buildings, balconies, and decks are protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system.
Section 502.1 Definition of Fire Apparatus Access Road is amended to read:
Emergency Response Apparatus Access Road. A road that provides emergency fire apparatus or vehicle access from a fire station or police station to a facility, building, or portion thereof. This is a general term inclusive of all other terms such as fire lane, public street, private street, parking lot lane, and access roadway. Where the codes reference fire department apparatus access, shall mean emergency response apparatus access.
Section 503.2 Specifications is amended to read as follows:
Section 503.2 Specifications.
Emergency response apparatus access roads shall be in conformance with Sections 503.2.1 through 503.2.9, and in accordance with the regulations based on the type of development pursuant to Section D104 Commercial and Industrial Development; Section D105 Aerial Fire Apparatus Access Roads; Section D106 Multiple-Family Residential Development and D107 One- and Two-Family Dwelling Residential Development.
Section 503.2.1 Dimensions is amended to read as follows:
Section 503.2.1 Dimensions.
Street design shall provide an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet, exclusive of shoulders, except for approved security gates in accordance with Sections 503.2.9, 503.5 and 503.6, and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 14 feet. Street design methods for local access street designations shall be in accordance with Section 503.2.1.1 and the provisions of this Chapter.
The purpose of this section is to allow performance-based requirements for street design and emergency response apparatus access, to achieve the following purposes:
1. A reasonable level of life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion, or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures, and premises, and to provide safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations.
2. On new and existing fire apparatus access roads required by and regulated by this code, establish requirements consistent with nationally and internationally recognized good practice for achieving a reasonable level of overall life safety, by taking into account and balancing the need to prevent road traffic deaths and injuries and the need to safeguard against the hazards of fire, explosions, and other dangerous conditions.
Where an existing street is restricted or inaccessible due to terrain, grade, or location for emergency response apparatus access, and cannot be brought into conformance with this section, all buildings constructed that utilize the existing street shall be provided with an automatic fire sprinkler system.
Section 503.2.1.1 Local Access Street Designation is hereby added to read as follows:
Section 503.2.1.1 Local Access Street Designation.
In new development utilizing local access streets where the curb-to-curb width is 28 feet with parking on both sides of the street, resulting in an unobstructed drivable width of 12 to 14 feet, shall provide dedicated emergency response apparatus access in accordance with the following requirements:
A. At spaced intervals provided below, a minimum unobstructed drivable area that is 20 foot wide by 40 foot long by the use of:
1. Designated Driveways. Side by side driveways or side by side driveways with a landscape strip in between at spaced intervals every 200 feet. Designated driveways shall be provided with an approved method of demarcation and maintained so that no encroachment into the emergency response apparatus access can occur.
2. Designate No Parking Areas. Appropriately signed no parking areas at spaced intervals of 150 feet. It is recognized that traffic queuing may utilize this area.
3. Violations of this provision. The Snohomish Police Department is authorized to issue traffic citations where violations of these provisions occur.
B. Street connectivity shall be accomplished by internal street grid systems or by connection to the City’s street grid system in accordance with the following:
1. Street connections that intersect with other streets to form a street grid system at spaced intervals every 200 feet. Where buildings or structures are provided with automatic fire sprinkler systems, the spaced intervals may be increased to 400 feet.
2. Street connection shall provide for primary and secondary emergency response apparatus access and circulation.
3. Remoteness Requirement. Depending on the type of development occurring, where two independent separate emergency response apparatus access points are required, they must be separate of each other by one half the diagonal distance of the development. Where interior street grids directly intersect the City’s public street grid system providing multiple separate and independent emergency response apparatus access points, the provisions for remoteness are considered to be met.
C. Fire Hydrants and Street Width Requirements. A 26 foot wide by 40 foot long clear unobstructed width shall be provided at fire hydrants for Emergency Response Apparatus Access and operations.
1. Permitted temporary uses. Except for the first three feet around the fire hydrant, combined mail box units placement may be permitted and temporary vehicular traffic accessing the combined mail box units are allowed. Pursuant to the State of Washington Traffic Code, vehicles that are permitted to load and unload may utilize this area.
Section 503.2.2 Authority is amended to read as follows:
Section 503.2.2 Authority.
The Building/Fire Official or Fire District shall have the authority to require an increase in the minimum access widths where the street design is inadequate for fire or rescue operations or where necessary to meet the public safety objectives.
Section 503.2.3 Surface is amended to read as follows:
Section 503.2.3 Surface.
Emergency response apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of emergency response apparatus and shall be surfaced to provide all-weather driving capabilities. The imposed load design shall be capable of supporting 75,000 pounds.
Section 503.2.4 Turning Radius is amended to read as follows:
Section 503.2.4 Turning Radius.
The required turning radius shall be no less than 25', except that cul-de-sacs, hammerheads, and wye turnarounds shall provide a minimum of 28'.
Section 503.2.5 Dead Ends is amended to read as follows:
Section 503.2.5 Dead Ends.
Dead end emergency response apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an approved area for turning emergency response apparatus around. This shall be accomplished through an approved cul-de-sac, hammerhead, or wye.
Section 503.2.6 Bridges and Elevated Surfaces is amended to read as follows:
Section 503.2.6 Bridges and Elevated Surfaces.
Where a bridge or an elevated surface is part of an emergency response apparatus access road, the bridge or elevated surface shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with AASHTO HB-17. Bridges and elevated surfaces shall be designed for a live load sufficient to carry a minimum of 75,000 pounds of imposed loads. Vehicle load limits shall be posted at both entrances to bridges when required by the Building/Fire Official. Where elevated surfaces designed for emergency response apparatus or vehicle use are adjacent to surfaces which are not designed for such use, approved barriers, approved signs, or both shall be installed and maintained when required by the Building/Fire Official or Fire District.
Section 503.2.7 Grade is amended to read as follows:
Section 503.2.7 Grade.
The grade of the emergency response apparatus access road shall be no greater than ten (10) percent. Grades exceeding twelve percent (12) but no more than fifteen (15) percent shall require all buildings or structures to be provided with an automatic fire sprinkler system.
Section 503.2.8 Angles of Approach and Departures is amended to read as follows:
Section 503.2.8 Angles of Approach and Departures.
The angles of approach and departures for emergency response apparatus access roads shall be within the limits established by the fire code official based on the fire department’s apparatus.
Section 503.2.9 Single or Multiple Points of Access and Security Gates is hereby added to read as follows:
Section 503.2.9 Single or Multiple Points of Access and Security Gates.
Pursuant to Section 503.5 and Section 503.6, gates that obstruct emergency response, which includes fire and law enforcement services, are required to be equipped with an approved means to gain entry. Security gates that obstruct primary entrances shall be equipped with an Opticom receiver that will automatically open the gate when activated by fire and police services.
A. Opticom transmitters located within the emergency response apparatus emergency lighting system.
Where one or more security gates are installed on an emergency response apparatus access, additional Opticom receivers may be required. Prior to final inspection, the applicant/property owner shall obtain approval from the Fire District that the Opticom receiver is operational. Opticom receivers shall be maintained by the property owner, and the Fire District may request operational inspections to ensure compliance. Security gates not required to have Opticom receivers may utilize padlocks, provided they are approved by the Fire District prior to being installed. Where water, sewer, or storm utilities are constructed and dedicated to the City, the padlock shall be of the type approved for use by the City Public Works Department.
Section 504.3 Stairway Access to Roof is amended to read:
Section 504.3 Stairway Access to Roof.
New buildings three or more stories above grade plane, except those with a roof slope greater than four units vertical in 12 units horizontal (33.3 percent slope), shall be provided with a stairway to the roof. Stairway access to the roof shall be in accordance with Section 1011.12. Such stairway shall be marked at street and floor levels with a sign indicating that the stairway continues to the roof. Where roofs are used for landscaped roofs or for other purposes, stairways shall be provided as required for such occupancy classification.
Section 505.1 Address Identification is amended to read as follows:
Section 505.1 Premises Identification.
Approved addresses shall be installed on all buildings and shall be clearly visible and legible from the street or roadway fronting the property. Letters or numbers shall be a minimum of six inches high (6 inches, 78 mm) for residential and a minimum of twelve inches (12 inches) high for commercial. Residential and commercial letters and numbers shall have a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm) and shall be of a contrasting color to the background itself. On existing buildings where the identification numbers or letters are being replaced or provided, they shall comply with this section.
Section 507.1 Required Water Supply is amended to read as follows:
Section 507.1 Required Water Supply.
An approved water supply capable of supplying the required fire flow for fire protection shall be provided to premises upon which facilities buildings or portions of buildings are hereafter constructed, substantially improved or moved in or within the jurisdiction. Where the required fire flow for development exceeds that available in the City’s water system, or as identified in the City of Snohomish Water Comprehensive Plan, the City of Snohomish Department of Public Works may impose additional requirements in addition to an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. Also refer to Water Supplies within Section 903.3.5.
Section 510 Emergency Responder Communication coverage is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 510 Emergency Responder Communication Coverage.
Section 510.1 General.
The Snohomish County Emergency Radio System (SERS), E-911 wireless communications networks are essential to the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Snohomish County and the City of Snohomish by providing communications for law enforcement activities, for emergency medical treatment, for fire suppression, for carrying on the business of government, and for providing communications in time of disasters. It is the intent of this section to ensure the uninterrupted operation of Snohomish County public safety, other emergency-related and county operational or planned wireless communications networks inside new and existing structures in the City of Snohomish. Existing buildings shall be provided with approved radio coverage for emergency responders when deficiencies are discovered.
1. Where approved by the Building/Fire Official and Fire Chief of Snohomish County Fire District #4, a wired communication system in accordance with Section 907.2.13.2 shall be permitted to be installed or maintained instead of an approved radio coverage system.
2. Where it is determined by the Fire Chief of Snohomish County Fire District #4 that the radio coverage system is not needed.
3. In facilities where emergency responder radio coverage is required and such systems, components or equipment required could have a negative impact on the normal operations of that facility, the Building/Fire Official and Fire Chief of Snohomish County Fire District #4 shall have the authority to accept an automatically activated emergency responder radio coverage system.
Section 510.2 Definitions.
“Adequate radio coverage” is as specified in Section 510.4.
“Building owner” means the person responsible for making final decisions relating to additions or modifications to the building. “Building owner” may include a building owner’s property manager or agent.
“Person” includes individuals, corporations, limited liability companies, associations, and other forms of business organization.
“Substantially alter” means to modify a structure when such modifications could degrade SERS performance, either in the structure, or in the context of the current or planned SERS microwave paths.
“Cellular telephone jammer” means transmitters that are specifically intended to disrupt the reception of cellular telephone signals in the frequency range of 800 MHz to 900 MHz. Such devices may interfere with the proper operation of public safety radio systems operating at 800 MHz.
Section 510.3 Applicability.
Section 510.3.1 General.
No person shall erect, construct, change the use of, or substantially alter, any building or structure or any part thereof, or cause the same to be done which fails to support adequate radio coverage for SERS. Underground structures, whether separate or adjoining other structures, are required to comply with the requirements of this section. Parking structures and stairwells are included in the definition of “building” and stairwell shafts and elevators are included in the definition of “all parts of a building.”
Exceptions: This section shall not apply to buildings less than 5,000 gross square feet or any building constructed of wood frame, as long as none of the aforementioned buildings make use of any metal frame construction, high radio frequency attenuation glazing and window frames, or any below-grade storage or parking areas.
Section 510.3.2
Any person required to maintain adequate radio coverage as specified in Section 510.3.1 above shall provide prior written notification to the SERS System Manager at the time a building permit application is submitted to the City of Snohomish. Written evidence of such prior written notification shall be given to the City of Snohomish Building/Fire Official before a building permit application will be accepted.
Section 510.3.3
Persons constructing new or remodeled facilities which include systems intended for providing in-building service for other wireless services shall make provision for including public safety radio signals into such system. This capability shall at a minimum include provision of bidirectional amplification as required. This requirement shall apply to structures of all sizes whenever such in-building wiring or services are to be provided.
Section 510.3.4
No person shall install in buildings of any type or size devices specifically intended to prevent the reception of signals intended for cellular telephones, pagers, wireless communications devices, or public safety radios.
Section 510.3.5
No person shall install or use building materials specifically marketed or engineered to prevent the ingress of radio signals, except where such materials may be required to shield laboratory or research facilities. Use of any such materials in laboratory or research facilities shall be clearly noted in any construction permit application documents and written notification of the use of such materials shall be provided to SERS at the time of permit application submittal. Signs notifying occupants, emergency services, and law enforcement personnel of such shielding conditions shall be conspicuously posted both at the entrance(s) and on the interior of such areas.
Section 510.4 Performance.
The building permit applicant shall submit a study/report prepared by a qualified person for review by the City prior to building permit approval. The signal levels within the proposed structure must meet or exceed the criteria established below. When measuring the performance of a bidirectional amplifier, signal strength measurements are based on an input signal from the SERS system adequate to obtain a maximum continuous operating output level. Multiple carrier environments shall take into account the presence of non-SERS signals in the design of the amplifier system. Adequate radio coverage shall include all of the following measurement requirements:
1. A minimum signal strength of -95 dBm available in 90% of the area of each floor of the building when transmitted to a belt-worn portable radio equipped with a speaker microphone, from the closest SERS site.
2. A minimum signal strength of -95 dBm received at the closest SERS site when transmitted from a belt-worn portable radio equipped with a speaker microphone from 90% of the area of each floor of the building.
3. The frequency ranges which must be supported shall be 746-824 MHz and 851-869 MHz.
4. The signal strengths shall be present at a 100% reliability factor at the -95 dBm level.
Section 510.5 Amplification Systems.
Section 510.5.1 General.
Buildings and structures that cannot support adequate radio coverage, as identified, shall be equipped with either a radiating cable system or an internal multiple antenna system with FCC type accepted bidirectional amplifiers as needed.
Section 510.5.2
If any part of the installed system or systems contains an electrically powered component, the system shall be capable of operating on an independent battery system for a period of at least twelve (12) hours without external power input. The battery system shall automatically charge in the presence of an external AC power input.
Section 510.5.3
SERS may require that bidirectional amplifiers include filters to reduce adjacent band frequency interference at least 35 dB below the channels placed in operation by SERS. Consultation with the SERS System Manager shall be required to determine if the specific installation requires this additional filtering.
Section 510.5.4
The SERS System Manager shall be notified in writing two weeks in advance of when an amplification system is installed and operational.
Section 510.6 Alternative Methods.
Other acceptable methods of providing in-building coverage may also include construction of low-power filler trunked radio sites that are integrated into the SERS. These alternative approaches may be considered where the use of bidirectional amplifiers proves impractical. Such alternative methods will require the involvement of SERS representatives in the design process. The requirements established by Sections 510.4, 510.5.2, 510.5.3, and 510.5.4 apply to any such alternate method.
Section 510.7. Additional Requirements for New Construction or Substantial Revisions to Structures.
Any person who constructs or develops a commercial or industrial building or structure of any size and type of construction that is likely to attenuate radio frequency signals shall provide two-inch non-conductive raceways in the walls into which radiating or coaxial cable may be laid. Such raceways shall include an easily accessible opening to the roof surface that allows for placement of an exterior antenna and riser access within the building core to each floor within the structure.
Section 510.8 Initial Inspection and Signal Strength Acceptance Test Procedures.
Section 510.8.1 Initial Inspection and Test Procedures.
When an engineering study performed for the building contractor or owner has determined that an in-building radio system is required, and upon completion of installation, it will be the building owner’s responsibility to have the radio system tested to ensure that two-way communications coverage on each floor of the building meets the requirements of Sections 510.4 and 510.5. Each floor of the building shall be divided into a grid of approximately 20 equal areas. A maximum of two nonadjacent areas will be allowed to fail the test by not meeting the minimum signal levels established in Section 510.4. Testing of parking garages, stairwells, and non-enclosed areas will be performed as separate tests with statistics gathered separately for signal levels in the primary structure and parking areas. Signal levels shall meet the requirements of Section 510.4 for all areas enclosed by the structure and statistical methods shall not be used to dilute the intent of the coverage requirements established in Section 510.4.
Section 510.8.2
In the event that three of the areas fail the test, in order to be more statistically accurate, the floor may be divided into 40 equal areas. In such an event, a maximum of four non-adjacent areas will be allowed to fail the test. After the 40 area test, if the system continues to fail, the building owner shall have the system altered to meet the coverage requirement established in Section 510.4.
Section 510.8.3
The test shall be conducted using a SERS approved portable radio communicating through the SERS system as specified by the authority having jurisdiction. A spot located approximately in the center of a grid area will be selected for the test, then the radio transmitter will be activated to verify two-way communications to and from the outside of the building through the SERS system. Once the spot has been selected, prospecting for a better spot within the grid area will not be permitted.
Section 510.8.4
The gain values of all systems used to support the signal level requirements of Section 510.4 shall be measured and the test measurement results shall be kept on file with the building owner so that the measurements can be verified each year during the annual tests. In the event that the measurements become lost, the building owner will be required to rerun the acceptance test to re-establish that the facility provides the signal levels established in Section 510.4.
Section 510.9 Annual Equipment Condition Testing.
Section 510.9.1 General.
When an in-building radio system is required, the building owner shall test all active components of the system, including but not limited to amplifiers, power supplies, backup batteries, and related equipment, a minimum of once every 12 months. Amplifiers shall be tested to ensure that the gain is the same as it was upon initial installation and acceptance. These annual tests shall apply to both the bidirectional amplifier method of enhancing signal strength, as well as to any alternative methods that might be employed. The building owner shall notify SERS System Manager in writing two (2) weeks in advance of when annual tests occur, and shall also notify SERS and the Fire District, Fire Marshal by certified mail of the results of the tests. Test records shall be retained on the inspected premises by the building owner.
Section 510.9.2
Backup batteries and power supplies shall be tested under full load for a period of one hour to verify that they will properly operate during an actual power outage. If within the one-hour test period, in the opinion of the testing technician, the battery exhibits symptoms of failure, the test shall be extended for an additional one-hour period until the testing technician confirms the integrity of the battery. Alternative load testing which places a higher short-term demand on the battery system may be required upon verbal request and retested within 10 working days.
Section 510.9.3
All other active components shall be checked to determine that they are operating within the manufacturer’s specifications for the intended purpose.
Section 510.10 Five Year Signal Strength Testing.
Section 510.10.1 General.
In addition to the annual test, the building owner shall perform a radio coverage test a minimum of once every five years to ensure that the radio system continues to meet the signal strength requirements of the original acceptance test. The signal levels established in Section 510.4 and the procedures established in Section 510.8 shall apply to such tests. The results of the five-year test will be provided to SERS System Manager and the Fire District by certified mail. Test reports shall also be retained and be readily available for inspection on the premises by the building owner.
Section 510.10.2
The building owner shall notify SERS System Manager in writing two weeks in advance of the initial, annual, and five year tests.
Section 510.11 Qualifications of Testing Personnel.
Tests shall be conducted, documented, and signed by a person in possession of a current FCC license, or a current technician certification issued by the Associated Public-Safety Communications Officials International (APCO), the Personal Communications Industry Association (PCIA), or a technician employed by SERS.
Section 510.12 Field Testing.
Public safety personnel, after providing reasonable notice to the building owner or his/her representative, shall have the right to enter onto the property to conduct ad-hoc field testing to be certain that the required level of radio coverage is present.
Section 510.13 Additional Frequencies.
The building owner shall modify or expand the emergency responder radio coverage system at his or her expense in the event frequency changes are required by the FCC or additional frequencies are made available by the FCC. Prior approval of a public safety radio coverage system on previous frequencies does not exempt this section.
Section 901.11 Problematic Systems – False Alarms is hereby added to read as follows:
Section 901.11 Problematic Systems – False Alarms.
Where the Fire District, Snohomish Police Department, or City Building/Fire Official determines that a problematic system and/or system out of service results in three (3) or more false alarms within a six (6) month period, the District or Police Department may bill the owner or occupant of the premises the cost for emergency response to problematic systems. Police services contracted through the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office may bill the cost of the emergency response directly to the owner or occupant of the premises.
Section 903.1 General is amended to read as follows:
Section 903.1 General.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in all occupancies where the total gross floor area is 5,000 square feet or more regardless of fire barriers or fire walls. For the purposes of this section, fire barriers or fire walls shall not be used to define separate buildings or uses. Where the code requirements for automatic sprinkler system are more restrictive than this section, the more restrictive requirement shall govern.
Sections 903.2.1.1 through 903.2.1.7 are amended to read as follows:
Section 903.2.1.1 Group A-1.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for Group A-1 occupancies and intervening floors of the building where one of the following conditions exists:
1. The fire area or total gross floor area is 5,000 square feet or more pursuant to Section 903.1.
2. The fire area has an occupant load of 300 or more.
3. The fire area or occupancy is located on a floor other than a level of exit discharge serving such occupancies.
4. The fire area or occupancy contains a multi-theater complex.
Section 903.2.1.2 Group A-2.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for Group A-2 occupancies and intervening floors of the building where one of the following conditions exists:
1. The fire area or total gross floor area is 5,000 square feet or more pursuant to Section 903.1.
2. The fire area has an occupant load of 100 or more.
3. The fire area or occupancy is located on a floor other than a level of exit discharge serving such occupancies.
Section 903.2.1.3 Group A-3.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for Group A-3 occupancies and intervening floors of the building where one of the following conditions exists:
1. The fire area or total gross floor area is 5,000 square feet or more pursuant to Section 903.1.
2. The fire area has an occupant load of 300 or more.
3. The fire area or occupancy is located on a floor other than a level of exit discharge serving such occupancies.
Section 903.2.1.4 Group A-4.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for Group A-4 occupancies and intervening floors of the building where one of the following conditions exists:
1. The fire area or total gross floor area is 5,000 square feet or more pursuant to Section 903.1.
2. The fire area has an occupant load of 300 or more.
3. The fire area or occupancy is located on a floor other than a level of exit discharge serving such occupancies.
Section 903.2.1.5 Group A-5.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for all enclosed Group A-5 occupancies in accessory use areas in excess of 1,000 square feet regardless of fire barriers or fire walls.
Section 903. Spaces under grandstands or bleachers.
Enclosed spaces under grandstands or bleachers shall be equipped with automatic sprinkler systems in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 where either of the following exists:
1. The enclosed area is 1,000 square feet or less and is not constructed in accordance with Section 1030.1.1.1.
2. The enclosed area exceeds 1,000 square feet.
Section 903.2.1.6 Assembly occupancies on roofs.
Where any occupied roof has an assembly occupancy with an occupant load exceeding 100 for Group A-2 and 300 for other Group A occupancies, all floors between the occupied roof and the level of exit discharge shall be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.
Section 903.2.1.7 Multiple fire areas.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided where multiple fire areas of Group A-1, A-2, A-3 or A-4 occupancies share exit or exit access components and the combined occupant load of those fire area is 300 or more.
Section 903.2.1.8 is hereby added to read as follows:
Section 903.2.1.8 Nightclubs.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout Group A-2 Nightclubs as defined in this code.
Section 903.2.2 Group B and Ambulatory Care Facilities.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for Group B occupancies and Ambulatory Care Facilities where one of the following conditions exists:
1. The total gross floor area of the Group Occupancy as defined in Section 304 except for Ambulatory Care Facilities is 5,000 square feet or more pursuant to Section 903.1.
2. Ambulatory Care Facilities shall be provided with an automatic sprinkler system regardless of floor area or location.
3. Four or more care recipients are incapable of self-preservation, whether rendered incapable by staff or staff has accepted responsibility for care recipients already incapable.
4. One or more care recipients that are incapable of self-preservation are located at other than the level of exit discharge serving such a facility.
Section 903.2.3 Group E.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in all Group E occupancies. This requirement includes:
1. Throughout existing Group E occupancies where substantial improvements or substantial damage has or is occurring.
2. Portable classrooms where a cluster of classrooms exceeds 5,000 square feet, and clusters of portable school classrooms shall be separated as required in Chapter 5 of the Building Code.
3. Portable classrooms regardless of floor area shall be provided with a UL listed monitored fire alarm system and shall be interconnected to the fire alarm system of permanent buildings such that upon activation will cause the entire fire alarm system to initiate.
4. A minimum water supply and fire flow meeting the requirements of International Fire Code Appendix B shall be required.
Exceptions: Portable school classrooms, provided: 1) The aggregate area of clusters of portable classrooms does not exceed 5,000 square feet. 2) Cluster of portable classrooms shall be separated as required in Chapter 5. 3) Each portable classroom is equipped with a monitored, automatic fire alarm system interconnected to the main fire alarm control panel.
Section 903.2.4 Group F.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for all Group F occupancies regardless of floor area, fire barriers, or fire walls, including the manufacturing or storage of upholstered furniture and mattresses.
Section 903.2.4.1 Woodworking Operations.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all occupancies that contain woodworking operations in excess of 2,500 square feet in area which generate finely divided combustible waste or use finely divided combustible materials.
1. Where the scope of woodworking operations presents a fire hazard, an automatic sprinkler system may be required regardless of floor area.
2. Where existing woodworking operations are found to present a fire hazard and the fire hazard cannot be reduced or eliminated based on the scope of the operation, an automatic sprinkler system may be required regardless of floor area.
3. Where finely divided combustible waste or finely divided combustible materials are generated and the woodworking operation presents a fire hazard, an automatic sprinkler system may be required regardless of floor area.
Section 903.2.5 Group H.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for all Group H occupancies regardless of floor area, fire barriers, or fire walls. Where buildings or structures contain an H occupancy, they shall also be provided with an automatic sprinkler system. The design of the sprinkler system shall not be less than that required by this code for the occupancy hazard classifications in accordance with Table 903.2.5.2. Where the design area of the sprinkler system consists of a corridor protected by one row of sprinklers, the maximum number of sprinklers required to be calculated is 13.
[F] Table 903.2.5.2 Group H Sprinkler Design Criteria
Occupancy Hazard Classification
Fabrication Areas
Ordinary Hazard Group 2
Service Corridors
Ordinary Hazard Group 2
Storage rooms without dispensing
Ordinary Hazard Group 2
Storage rooms with dispensing
Extra Hazard Group 2
Ordinary Hazard Group 2
Section 903.2.5.3 Pyroxylin Plastics.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in buildings, or portions thereof, where cellulose nitrate film or pyroxylin plastics are manufactured, stored or handled in quantities exceeding 100 pounds (45 kg).
Section 903.2.6 Group I.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings containing Group I occupancies regardless of floor area, fire barriers, or fire walls, including Group I-4 daycares.
Section 903.2.7 Group M.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings containing Group M occupancies regardless of floor area, fire barriers, or fire walls, including Group M occupancies used for the display and sale of upholstered furniture.
Section 903.2.7.1 High Piled Storage.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in accordance with the International Fire Code where storage of merchandise is in high piled or rack storage arrays. Where high piled storage is provided in other occupancies, regardless of floor area, an automatic sprinkler system shall be required.
Section 903.2.8 Group R.
An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3 shall be provided throughout all buildings with a Group R occupancy regardless of floor area, fire barriers, or fire walls.
Section 903.2.8.1 Group R-3.
An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3 may be permitted in Group R-3 occupancies.
Section 903.2.8.2 Group R-4 Condition 1.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in accordance with Section 903.3.
Section 903.2.8.3 Group R-4 Condition 2.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in accordance with Section 903.3. Attics shall be protected in accordance with Section 903. or 903.
Section 903.
Attics used for living purposes, storage or fuel-fired equipment. Attics used for living purposes, storage, or fuel-fired equipment shall be protected throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.
Section 903.
Attics not used for living purposes, storage or fuel-fired equipment. Attics not used for living purposes, storage or fuel-fired equipment shall be protected in accordance with one of the following:
1. Attics protected throughout by a heat detector system arranged to activate the building fire alarm system in accordance with Section 907.2.10.
2. Attics constructed of noncombustible materials.
3. Attics constructed of fire-retardant-treated wood framing complying with Section 2303.2.
4. The automatic sprinkler system shall be extended to provide protection throughout the attic.
Section 903.2.8.4 Care facilities.
An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3 shall be permitted in care facilities with five or fewer individuals in a single-family dwelling.
Section 903.2.9 Group S-1.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings containing Group S-1 occupancy where one of the following exists:
1. The fire area or total gross floor area is 5,000 square feet or more pursuant to Section 903.1.
2. A Group S-1 fire area occupancy is used for the storage of upholstered furniture or mattresses that exceeds 2,500 square feet.
3. A Group S-1 is located more than three stories above grade plane.
4. A Group S-1 occupancy used for self-storage where the fire area exceeds 2,500 square feet.
Section 903.2.9.1 Repair Garages.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings used as repair garages where:
1. The fire area or total gross floor area is 5,000 square feet or more pursuant to Section 903.1.
2. Buildings with a repair garage servicing vehicles parked in the basement.
3. Used for the repair or storage of vehicles including commercial trucks and buses.
4. A Group S-1 fire area used for the repair of commercial motor vehicles where the fire area is 5,000 square feet or more.
Section 903.2.9.2 Bulk Storage of Tires.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings where bulk storage of tires occurs regardless of gross floor area, fire barriers or fire walls. The automatic sprinkler system shall be designed for the highest hazard.
Section 903.2.9.3 Group S-1 distilled spirits or wine.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout a Group S-1 occupancy used for the bulk storage of distilled spirits or wine.
Section 903.2.9.4 Group S-1 upholstered furniture and mattresses.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout a Group S-1 occupancy where the area used for the storage of upholstered furniture or mattresses exceeds 2,500 square feet (232 m2).
Exception: Self-service storage facilities not greater than one story above grade plane where all storage spaces can be accessed directly from the exterior.
Section 903.2.10 Group S-2.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings classified as enclosed parking garages in accordance with Section 406.6 or where located beneath other groups.
Exception: Enclosed parking garages located beneath R-3 occupancy as applicable in section 101.2.
Section 903.2.10.1 Commercial Parking Garages.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings used as commercial parking, including storage of commercial trucks and buses pursuant to Section 903.1.
Section 903.2.10.2 Mechanical-access enclosed parking garages.
An approved automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings used for the storage of motor vehicles in a mechanical-access enclosed parking garage. The portion of the building that contains the mechanical-access enclosed parking garage shall be protected with a specially engineered automatic sprinkler system.
Section 903.2.11.3 Buildings of Three Stories or 55 Feet in Height or More is amended to read:
Section 903.2.11.3 Buildings of three stories or 35 feet in height or more.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout buildings that have one or more stories with an occupant load of 30 or more located 35 feet or more above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access measured to the finished floor. For standpipe requirements, reference Chapter 905.
1. Open parking structures.
2. Occupancies in Group F-2 unless regulated elsewhere.
Section 903.3.1.3 NFPA 13D Sprinkler Systems is amended to read:
Section 903.3.1.3 NFPA 13D Sprinkler Systems.
Automatic sprinkler systems installed in one- and two- family dwellings, Group R-3, Group R-4, Condition 1; and townhouses are permitted to be installed throughout in accordance with NFPA 13D.
Sections 903.3.5 Water Supplies is amended to read as follows:
Section 903.3.5 Water Supplies.
Water supplies for automatic sprinkler systems shall comply with this section:
1. The automatic sprinkler system water supply shall have a separate tap to the City water main, and shall not be used in conjunction with, or part of, or as a domestic water service. The potable water supply shall be protected against backflow in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code and Snohomish Municipal Code 15.10.
2. Where a dedicated fire main is provided, domestic water service or other potable water use connections shall be prohibited.
3. Where required fire flow demand exceeds the available water supply provided by the water purveyor, the applicant may be required to upgrade, extend, or construct the purveyors water mains to provide fire flow including the installation of additional hydrants or looping of water mains, except where regulated elsewhere. The water supply test and/or fire flow test used for design of fire protection systems shall be adjusted to account for seasonal and daily pressure fluctuations based on information from the water supply authority and as approved by the building/fire official. Where automatic sprinkler systems are installed, the required fire flow demand may be reduced by 50% provided the available water supply can still provide the reduced fire flow demand.
4. Where the automatic sprinkler system water supply shut off valves are installed or located below grade, a valve cover lid shall be provided and shall be accessible at all times. The valve lid shall be permanently marked with letters that read “Fire Sprinkler,” and be permanently marked with red paint.
5. Where the automatic sprinkler system is part of a residential combination service, the water supply tap, connection and piping at the water main; piping from the main to the water meter; water meter size; and piping from the water meter to the building must be designed to accommodate both the domestic and fire sprinkler demands.
Section 903.3.5.1 Domestic Services is amended to read:
Section 903.3.5.1 Domestic Services.
Domestic water services shall not be used for the water supply for the automatic sprinkler system.
Exception: Unless allowed under NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R.
Section 903.3.5.2 Residential Combination Services is amended to read:
Section 903.3.5.2 Residential Combination Services.
Where allowed, residential combination services that provide both residential domestic services and automatic sprinkler system supply shall be plumbed so that termination, shut-off, maintenance, or removal of the residential domestic water service shall not impair or prevent operation of the automatic sprinkler system. Combination services shall be regulated as a required automatic sprinkler system and subject to the penalty section, to and including termination of occupancy until such time the system is brought into compliance.
Section 903.3.5.6 Hose Threads is amended to read as follows:
Section 903.3.5.6 Hose Threads.
Fire hose threads and fittings used in connection with an automatic fire sprinkler system, including the fire hose threads and fittings on fire hydrants, shall be of the type and size prescribed by the Fire District. In the event of a conflict between the Public Works or Engineering Standards and this requirement, this requirement shall govern.
Section 907.1 General is amended to read as follows:
Section 907.1 General Automatic Fire Detection System Requirements.
All occupancies hereinafter constructed, substantially damaged, or improved, which exceed 3,000 square feet of gross floor area, and single-family residences with bed and breakfast rooms regardless of floor area shall be provided with a UL listed, monitored, and approved automatic fire detection system, provided that occupancies listed under Section 907 require automatic fire detection systems/fire alarm systems more restrictive than 3,000 square feet shall govern those occupancies. For the purposes of this subsection, the total gross floor area shall be based on the completed, attached building regardless of any fire barriers or fire walls.
Where required under Section 907 to install manual devices, those sections shall mean both automatic and manual devices for the purposes of this section.
Section [F] 912.2 Location is amended to read as follows:
Section [F] 912.2 Location.
Fire department connections shall be a minimum distance of 50 feet from the building it serves. Where lot size may not allow the minimum distance to be met, an alternative location may be considered. The location of the FDC shall be approved by both the Building/Fire Official and the Fire District. Fire hose thread and fittings used in connection with or part of an automatic sprinkler system shall be as prescribed by the Fire District. Fire department connections where possible are to be located within 50’ of a hydrant and the building served. The Fire District shall approve the location of the fire department connection. Fire department connections are generally prohibited from being installed on a building except that existing buildings may not meet this requirement and a feasible location will be determined.
Section [F] 912.3 Fire Hose Threads is amended to read as follows:
Section [F] 912.3 Fire Hose Threads.
Fire hose threads and fittings used in connection with an automatic fire sprinkler system, including the fire hose threads and fittings on fire hydrants, shall be of the type and size prescribed by the Fire District. In the event of a conflict between the Public Works or Engineering Standards and this requirement, this requirement shall govern.
Section [F] 912.4.1 Locking Fire Department Connection Caps is amended to read as follows:
Section [F] 912.4.1 Locking Fire Department Connection (FDC) Caps.
Locking FDC caps are required on all fire department connections. The locking cap shall be of the type approved by the Fire District #4.
Section [F] 912.4.1.1 Existing Fire Department Connection (FDC) Caps is hereby added to read as follows:
Section [F] 912.4.1.1 Existing Fire Department Connections (FDC) Caps.
Where existing fire department connections are found to be unsecured, locking FDC caps shall be installed. Prior to installation of the locking FDC caps, the property owner shall have the FDC line flushed to ensure any or all obstructions are removed. The work shall be performed by a person, firm, or corporation licensed by the State of Washington to perform work on fire sprinkler systems. A written certification report indicating the FDC line is clear and operational shall be forwarded to the City.
Under Appendix D, the following subsections of Section D104 Commercial and Industrial Developments are amended to read as follows:
D104.1 Buildings Exceeding Three Stories or 30 Feet in Height.
Buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least two means of apparatus access for each structure. Overhead utility or power lines shall not be located within the emergency response apparatus access road.
D104.2 Buildings Exceeding 62,000 Square Feet.
Buildings or facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall have two separate and approved emergency response apparatus access roads.
D104.3 Remoteness.
Where two access roads are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line between accesses.
1. Where street connectivity is provided in accordance with Section 503.2.1.1, Section B3.
2. Where buildings are provided with automatic fire sprinkler systems designed for the highest hazard, the distance between access roads may be increased provided the access roads are designed for the highest peak traffic demands and allow emergency response apparatus unimpeded access to the development.
Under Appendix D, Section D105 Aerial Fire Apparatus Access Roads is amended to read as follows:
Section D105 Aerial Fire Apparatus Access Roads, Required.
D105.1 Where Required.
Where the vertical distance between the grade plane and the highest roof surface exceeds 30 feet, approved aerial fire apparatus access roads shall be provided with a minimum 26-foot-wide unobstructed width exclusive of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of the building or portion thereof. For purposes of this section, the highest roof surface shall be determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the intersection of the roof to the exterior wall, or the top of parapet walls, whichever is greater. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located within the aerial fire apparatus access roadway.
D105.2 Proximity to Building.
At least one of the required access routes shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the building and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the building. The side of the building on which the aerial fire apparatus access road is positioned shall be approved by the Fire District.
Under Appendix D, the following subsections of Section D106 Multiple-Family Residential Developments are amended to read as follows:
D106.1 Projects Having More than 30 Dwelling Units.
Multiple-family residential projects having more than 30 dwelling units shall have two separate access roads. Entrance roads must provide sufficient width to accommodate maximum peak traffic demands and allow emergency response apparatus unimpeded access to the development. Overhead utility or power lines shall not be located within the emergency response apparatus access roadway.
D106.1.1. Automatic fire sprinkler systems.
Pursuant to SMC 19.04.040 International Building Code Section [F] 903.2.8 Group R, all multiple-family residential dwelling units shall be equipped with automatic fire sprinkler systems regardless of floor area.
D106.1.2. Street Connectivity.
Street connectivity shall be in accordance with Section 503.2.1.1, Section B.
D106.1.3. Access Road Remoteness.
A second access road shall be a remote distance apart equal to or not less than one half of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property served, measured in a straight line between accesses.
1. Where street connectivity is provided in accordance with Section 503.2.1.1, Section B3.
2. Where buildings are provided with automatic fire sprinkler systems designed for the highest hazard, the distance between access roads may be increased provided the access roads are designed for the highest peak traffic demands and allow emergency response apparatus unimpeded access to the development.
D106.1.4. Street Designation – Local Access Street Design.
The provisions of Section 503.2.1.1 shall apply to local access street designations.
Under Appendix D, the following subsections of Section D107 One- or Two-Family Dwelling Residential Developments are amended to read as follows:
D107.1 One- or two-family dwelling residential developments.
Developments of one- or two-family dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceeds 30 shall have two separate apparatus access roads. Entrance roads must provide sufficient width to accommodate maximum peak traffic demands and allow emergency response apparatus unimpeded access to the development. Overhead utility or power lines shall not be located within the emergency response apparatus access roadway.
D107.1.2. Street Connectivity.
Street connectivity shall be in accordance with Section 503.2.1.1, Section B.
D107.1.3 Access Road Remoteness.
A second access road shall be a remote distance apart equal to or not less than one half of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property served, measured in a straight line between accesses.
1. Where street connectivity is provided in accordance with Section 503.2.1.1, Section B3.
2. Where buildings are provided with automatic fire sprinkler systems designed for the highest hazard, the distance between access roads may be increased provided the access roads are designed for the highest peak traffic demands and allow emergency response apparatus unimpeded access to the development.
D107.1.4. Street Designation – Local Access Street Design.
The provisions of Section 503.2.1.1 shall apply to local access street designations.
(Ord. 2483, 2024)