8.20.190 City Inspections for Litter Receptacles.
A. At such times as the fire department or other local fire control agency makes routine or other fire inspections within the City, it shall also be the duty of the fire department to inspect all such inspected premises to assure compliance with the requirements for placing and maintaining litter receptacles as required by this chapter. In the event violations of this chapter are found, members of the fire department are authorized to issue citations and the other legal process authorized in this chapter as in the case of police and other law enforcement personnel.
B. The building department shall not approve occupancy of any building, structure, or other improvement for new construction or modification to any existing building, structure, or other improvement for which a building permit is required, nor give final inspection approval to any such building, structure, or other improvement, until litter receptacles as herein required have been set in place on the subject property. In the event violations of this chapter are found, members of the building department are authorized to issue citations and other legal process authorized in this chapter as in the case of police and other law enforcement personnel. (Ord. 1228, 1974)