9.96.075 Sale or Gift of Aerosol Paint and Indelible Markers.
On a voluntary basis, the Snohomish City Council requests and encourages all businesses within the City and all citizens to refrain from selling, offering to sell, cause to be sold, giving, or lending any aerosol paint or pressurized container of paint or any indelible marker to any minor under the age of 18 years. Businesses are encouraged to require picture identification for all persons who may be under the age of 18 years. All businesses who offer for sale aerosol paint or indelible markers are requested to voluntarily restrict access to those items from the public by either placing them behind a locked counter, cabinet, or other storage facility so that access to them cannot be gained without their being unlocked by an authorized employee or other authorized representative of such business or by placing them in a location where they can be in constant, uninterrupted view of an authorized employee or other authorized representative of such business. Within one year of the effective date of this ordinance, the City Council shall review the effectiveness of this section and shall consider whether such provisions shall be made mandatory rather than voluntary.