3.16.050 Electrical Utilities.
There shall be levied upon every electrical utility district engaged in the sale of electricity within the city of Snohomish a tax of six percent (6%) of the first $1,000 per month of revenue derived from each customer consuming electricity in the city of Snohomish, and four percent (4%) on all additional revenue per month derived from each customer consuming electricity in the city of Snohomish, exclusive of revenue derived from the sale of electricity for purposes of resale. “Customer” means any person, firm or corporation purchasing electricity from a company at a single location. The tax shall be paid monthly upon the 20th day of the month next succeeding the month upon which the same is delivered. In computing the tax, there shall be deducted from the revenues only amounts derived from any business which the City is prohibited from taxing under the Constitution of the United States and the State of Washington. (Ord. 1011, 1966; Ord. 1386, 1978; Ord. 1808, 1996)