14.212.850 Standards Specific to the Single-Family Zone.
Intent: To maintain and enhance the small-lot, single-family character of the existing neighborhood through features that modulate scale and incorporate traditional proportions and materials.
A. Primary roof surfaces and gables shall have a minimum pitch of 8:12, except porch roofs, which may be less.
B. All façades visible from a public street shall be articulated at maximum intervals of 22 feet horizontally or 12 feet vertically. Articulation of surfaces shall be achieved through a change of surface plane, materials, detailing such as belly bands, projections such as bay windows, or alignment of other prominent features.
C. Roofed porches, where provided, shall have a minimum dimension of six feet.
D. Outbuildings shall visually relate to the primary structure through the use of common materials, features, and proportions. (Ord. 2451, 2022)