15.08.120 Additional Pretreatment Measures.
A. When determined necessary by the City, each user discharging into the POTW shall install and maintain, on their property and at their expense, a suitable storage and flow-control facility to insure equalization of flow. The City may require the facility to be equipped with alarms and a rate of discharge controller, the regulation of which shall be determined by the City. A special agreement may be required solely for flow equalization.
B. Grease interceptors, oil/water separators, settling tanks, grease and grit traps shall be provided when, in the opinion of the City, they are necessary for the proper treatment of wastewater containing excessive amounts of grease, oil, sand and/or grit, except that such devices will not be required for residential users. All devices will be of the type and capacity approved by the City and shall be located to be easily accessible for cleaning and inspections. Such devices shall be installed, inspected, cleaned, and repaired regularly, as needed, by the user at their expense.
C. Users with the potential to discharge flammable substances may be required to install and maintain an approved combustible gas detection system.
D. When a new building is constructed without a tenant, and has any sewers which are intended to serve wastes other than sanitary or domestic waste, a treatment device approved by the City shall be installed.
E. In the event pretreatment devices are no longer required, all equipment to be abandoned will be pumped and filled as required for abandoned sewers and sewage disposal facilities in accordance with Section 722 of the Uniform Plumbing Code and any other regulation or rules. If abandoning equipment in place is not feasible or an option, the alternative is to have equipment removed and disposed of separately. The City shall be provided a written report that stipulates the form of filling or removal that occurred, the date the work was completed and an as-built plan that indicates the location or previous location of equipment or piping filled in place or removed. (Ord. 2351, 2018)